I recently found myself having to replace the piston rings on my car (long story!), which also gave me the perfect opportunity to write about it.
In fact, as I’m writing this post I’m also working on the car, so you can be sure the information in this guide is both, “current” and “fresh”.

This post will provide an in depth walk through on how to identify, remove, inspect, and replace, worn or damaged piston rings, no matter the car that you’re working on.
The car featured in this post is my 2014 Mazda Cx-5 SkyActive 2.2 Diesel.
To give context, the car has just crossed 92k miles, and had frequent oil changes in accordance with Mazdas recommended service intervals.
Please Note : The information in this guide is also applicable for replacing pistons, as in order to gain access to the ‘piston rings’, you must first remove the ‘pistons’.
Questions To Ask (Before Carrying Out This Repair)
Being honest, this job is not for the faint hearted.
It’s costly, its extensive, and its tiresome. But it’s totally possible if you follow the steps in this guide.
That being said, there are certainly a few questions to ask before starting this repair.
Yes, replacing a cars piston rings is certainly a repair that can be carried out at home (as a DIY project). But to do so, you must have access to the right tools, a large enough work area, and a manufacturers vehicle service repair manual.
A professional mechanic can complete this repair in just 8 to 12 hours. While a less experienced person carrying out this repair (at home as a DIY project) for the first time, can typically take 3 to 5 days, or in some cases, a full week.
Signs of bad piston rings consists of white or blue exhaust smoke, a loss in engine power, poor acceleration, decreased fuel efficiency, and engine blow-by. Which is identified by excessive crankcase pressure escaping out of the oil filler cap hole.
Yes, replacing piston rings on a car engine in almost all instances will require the use of specialised tools. A few of these tools consists of a torque wrench (for tightening bolts to spec), a piston ring compressor, a feeler gauge (to measure down to the thousandth of an inch), and a compression tester (to test the engines compression).
With 10 being the most difficult, I would rank this repair at a 9. As a repair of this magnitude on a car, is essentially the equivalent of carrying out heart surgery on a human body.
Piston rings themselves are not very expensive, as the average cost for a new set sits between £50 to £300. That being said, to carry out this repair properly, replacing piston rings will require the use of specialised tools, which can set you back a further £500 to £3000 in additional expenses.
The long and short is, you can’t. You cannot, and you should never, drive a car with bad piston rings. As doing so will inevitably lead to catastrophic engine failure. So, if you suspect that a car has bad piston rings, then immediately stop, call a recovery service, and prevent causing further engine damage.
A new set of piston rings in a well-maintained engine will typically last between 100,000 to 150,000 miles. However, these figures can vastly change from a vehicles engine design, service schedule, and driving conditions.
No, piston rings cannot be repaired; they must be replaced when worn or damaged. Once the rings lose their ability to properly seal the cylinder, they cannot be restored to their original condition.
It’s not always necessary to remove the bottom block of the engine, but it is always necessary to remove the oil pan and cylinder head. So, YES, the rings can be replaced without removing the “entire” “engine”. But you will always have to remove part of the engine (i.e., the top part) to gain access to the pistons.
A leak-down test or compression test are both effective ways of identifying a cylinder with bad piston rings. That being said, a leak down test is often the preferred method as it works by forcing pressurised air into the cylinder, making it easier to pinpoint the exact location where the hissing air (i.e., leak) is coming from.
Bad valve stem seals typically leak oil while the engine is off, resulting in blue exhaust smoke during engine startup. On the other hand, bad piston rings will consistently fail to keep oil out of the combustion chamber, resulting in constant blue smoke emitting from the exhaust while the engine is running.
OEM piston rings are made by the original manufacturer or authorised suppliers, and designed to meet the exact engine specifications. On the other hand, aftermarket piston rings are produced by third-party companies. And can offer similar performance, at a lower cost, but will vary in quality and fit. So it’s important to choose from a reputable brand.
No, WD-40 should not be used as a lubricant for engine components. While WD-40 is a versatile product that offers rust prevention and moisture displacement, it’s not designed to handle the high temperatures and pressures inside of an engine. That being said, there’s no harm in using WD-40 on components that are temporarily out of the engine to prevent rust. Just nothing long term.

“A mechanic has no use without his tools”
A simple statement that carries a high level of truth.
Tools That You will Need
The following sections have been split into 3 categories:
- Basic tools
- Specialised tools
- Non-essential tools
We then get into;
- Replacement parts
- Engine oils, and engine fluids
But before picking up tools, you should first get your hands on a copy of the vehicles service repair manual. This will provide you with the exact torque settings, engine layout, and wiring diagrams needed for the repair.
The most accurate and trusted place I’ve used in the past is Haynes service repair manuals. Each manual contains technical information, engine specifications, and maximum tolerances for various makes and models.
Tools Checklist
Basic Tools
- Basic Screwdriver set
- Rubber Mallet
- Basic ratchet and socket set (socket sizes ranging 8mm to 21mm)
- Flat hand file
- An electronic hand drill (for honing the cylinder bores)
- Axle Stands (or a ramp if you have access to one)
- A hydraulic car Jack
- A long Pry Bar
- Liquid Paint Marker (for marking engine components)
- Engine Degreaser (and a rag)
- Instant Silicone Gasket (cant go wrong with Wynn’s Gasket Sealant)
Specialised tools
- Cylinder Bore honing tool
- Torque Wrench (preferably a 3/8 inch drive)
- Piston ring grinding tool
- Engine Assembly Lubricant
- Crankshaft Pulley Holding Tool
- Feeler Gauge (minimum of .001″ or in layman term 1 thousandth of an inch)
- Thread Chaser (different to a thread tap)
- A Mechanics Machined Straight Edge
- Piston ring Compressor Clamp
- Dial Or Bore Gauge (to test the roundness of cylinder bores)
What Honing Tool Should You choose?
Ball Hones | Stone hones |
Best for achieving a quick finish on cylinder bores that are in relatively good condition. | Better for heavy-duty work when tackling heavily worn or damaged cylinder bores |
Highly Helpful tools
While it’s certainly possible to complete this repair without the following tools, I would still highly suggest you have them.
An impact wrench will make easy work of seized bolts, and a breaker bar will increase leverage, improve control, and enhance accuracy.
- Impact Wrench + Impact Sockets Set (Dewalt 900 is the best for regular DIYers in my opinion)
- 1/2 inch Breaker Bar (link to Amazon listing)
- Electrical clip separator tool (link to Amazon listing)
Additional Components To Replace
Part(s) To Replace | Reasoning |
Head Cylinder Bolts | These are stretch bolts, meaning they stretch when you torque them down. Once they’ve stretched, they can never be used again. |
Head Gasket | Head gaskets are one of the most common and costly issues in any engine. Since you’re removing it for this job, it’s a good idea to replace it. |
Oil Strainer | Another common issue, which results in high engine oil pressure when blocked. Its cheap to replace, and must also be removed to access the pistons. |
Oil Filter | Always replace oil filters, as a clean filter equates to clean oil and great lubrication to all vital internal components. |
Timing Chain (or belt) + Gears | If your car has over 30,000 miles or it’s been 30,000 miles since the last timing chain replacement, it’s time to replace it. The kit usually includes new gears as well. |
Auxiliary or Ancillary drive belt (i.e., the serpentine belt) | The drive belt, also known as the serpentine belt, may go by many names, but its lifespan is limited. Fortunately, it’s inexpensive for most cars, so if it has more than 20,000 miles on it, it’s wise to replace it. |
Engine Oils & Fluids That Must Be Replaced
- Gearbox Oil (usually a minimum of 5 litres when changing the oil filter for most cars)
- Radiator Coolant – Antifreeze

8 Steps To Remove Piston Rings On A Car Engine
Well done! You made it.
You should now have the parts, tools and technical information to begin removing the pistons.
I’ll do my best to keep it simple. But note that; the steps in this guide can look slightly different for various types of engines.
* PLEASE READ * Create a checklist of the actions to take and check them off once completed. Trust me! This will also dramatically help you when reassembling the engine too.
Piston Removal Checklist
Step 1: Disconnect the Battery
Disconnect the negative battery terminal first, then disconnect the positive
Step 2: Drain All Fluids
Drain the engine oil and coolant to prevent spillages
Step 3: Create Access
Remove all components preventing access to the following:
Access The Valve Cover Bolts
- Remove Engine Cover(s) – The decorative top cover on many modern car engines
- Unclip Wiring Harnesses (Note: This may include unclipping connections to the cars ECU)
- Detach Ignition Coils/Spark Plug Wiring(for petrol cars only)
- Disconnect All Air Intake Components (Inc Air Filter & Air Intake tubing)
- Remove PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) Valve and Hoses
- Remove Valve Cover
Accessing the Timing Cover
- Release Timing Tensioner
- Remove Auxiliary / Serpentine / Accessory belt(s)
- Remove Engine Mount (subject to model)
- Remove all under trays, splash shields and skid plates
- Remove Crankshaft Pulley/Harmonic Balancer
- Remove Water Pump (subject to engine design)
Accessing the Cylinder Head
- Remove Throttle Body & EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) Components (subject to diesel cars**)
- Remove Fuel Rail, Fuel Injectors, and High-Pressure fuel system
- Remove Coolant Hoses
- Remove Intake and exhaust manifolds
- Remove Turbo (front subframe may need to be removed for this)
Below are a few images of how my engine bay looked at this stage.

Step 4: Remove valve Cover
Often referred to as the “Rocker Cover”: Generally secured with several bolts
Note: Do not forget to remove the oil filler cap and dip stick rod first
With the valve cover removed, your engine should look something like this.

Please Note : I may use the words timing chain, timing belt and cam belt interchangeably, as they all essentially serve the same purpose.
Step 5: Remove The Timing Chain
- Remove the Timing cover
- Lock the timing chain/belt tensioner
- Remove Timing Chain/Belt Guides
- Remove Timing Chain Or Belt
- Remove Oil Pan
Potential Additional Steps
Some engines will require you to carry out a few extra steps at this stage.
These steps are to:
- Lock oil pump Timing Chain/Belt Tensioner
- Remove Oil Pump Timing chain
- Remove The Oil Pump
Step 6: Remove The Camshafts
Each camshaft is held in with a camshaft journal cap and two bolts.
Please note, camshaft journal bolts must be removed by following a specific sequence found in the vehicles service repair manual.
step 7: Remove The Cylinder Head
Most engines contain 10 to 12 cylinder head bolts that are accessed by removing the camshafts. Each bolt must be removed in a specific order to evenly release the pressure on the cylinder head and prevent the engine from warping or cracking.
Here’s an example of a typical cylinder head bolt removal sequence on a inline 4-cylinder engine:
The sequence generally starts at the outer edges (i.e., no10) of the cylinder head and works inwards (sequentially) in a crisscross or spiral pattern.

Once the bolts have been removed, its time to get a set of gloves on and remove the cylinder head. A rubber mallet and pry bar may be required to free up the head from the engine block.
WOLLAH! “You should be able to visibly see the head of each piston.”

Step 8: Remove the pistons
Work on a piston by piston basis, making sure to fully label and re assemble each piston before moving onto the next.
To do so, remove the two bolts in the big end bearing cap. Remove the end cap, then push the piston up, and out the top of the cylinder. A rubber handle on a hammer will be helpful here.
Please Note: You will need to rotate the engine via the crankshaft pulley to access varying big end bearing caps. This can be done by temporarily tightening in the crankshaft pulley bolt. And then using a ratchet to manually turn the engine.
Here’s a quick vid of my pistons on removal.
Step 9: Remove The piston Rings
Number Each Piston When Removing: Use a liquid marker pen to mark each of the pistons with their associated cylinder number, as they’re removed.
This will provide you with a reference of the cylinder bore they must return to when reassembling the engine.
Try to prevent breaking the rings when removing! as we need them intact for test fitting later.
Remove each of the rings with a small hand pick. Or simply use your hands to slide them up, and away from the piston head. Whichever method you prefer to use is fine, just ensure they do not break.
Cleaning the Engine And It’s Associated Components
A thorough clean of the engine and it’s associated engine components must be carried out to allow for an accurate inspection.
No need to get fancy here, but the solution you use must be able to cut through grease and prevent rusting cast iron and steel.
A perfect solution for this, is the STP engine degreaser from Amazon.

Use the degreasing solution combined with a non abrasive brush to clean each of the pistons, cylinder head, intake manifold, exhaust manifold, camshafts, and all other engine components.
To tackle stubborn deposits, you can additionally use brake or carb cleaner, a rotary wire brush, and a brass or plastic scraper.
Once the grime is removed, rinse the components with water, then immediately dry and wipe down with automatic transmission oil, to prevent rust.
With everything clean, its now time to begin inspecting.
Engine Inspection
Start here, as a damaged engine will drastically alter the direction of the of the repair.

Testing The Cylinder Head For Flatness
The following tools are required in this section:
- Feeler Gauge
- Mechanics machined straight edge
- Notepad (or notes app on mobile)
Please Note: Testing must be through and exact. Simply put. At this stage, there is no room for error.
Familiarise yourself with using the tools by placing the straight edge on the flat engine surface, and testing varying sizes of the feeler gauge in the gap.
If the feeler gauge passes through (between the straight edge and surface area), then test has failed, by at least the extent of the size that has been selected on the feeler gauge.
As shown in the following image.

Checks must be carried out and recorded by following a specific “warpage check pattern”.
This pattern consists of vertical, horizontal and diagonal checks as shown in the following example (for a 4 cylinder engine).

Example Tolerances In engine Warp
The next section will provide examples of typical tolerances you can expect to see for some of the current most popular selling cars.
Disclaimer: The values in the tables below are “general guidelines”, based on common industry standards. Engine specifications and tolerances can vary significantly across manufacturers. Always refer to your vehicle’s service manual for the most accurate information.
Here’s a chart summarising the cylinder head warpage tolerances for 10 popular vehicle makes and models in the UK:
Manufacturer | Model (Engine Model) | Material | Max Warpage (inches / mm) | Action |
Ford | Puma (1.0L EcoBoost I3) | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Kia | Sportage (1.6L T-GDi I4) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Nissan | Qashqai (1.3L DIG-T I4) | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Volkswagen | Golf (1.5L TSI I4) | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Vauxhall | Corsa (1.2L Turbo I3) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Hyundai | Tucson (1.6L T-GDi I4) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
BMW | 1 Series (1.5L Turbo I3) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
MG | HS (1.5L Turbo I4) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Audi | A3 (1.5L TFSI I4) | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Volkswagen | T-Roc (1.5L TSI I4) | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Heres a list with the top selling US vehicles in 2023 and their associated warpage tolerances:
Manufacturer | Model (Engine Model) | Material | Max Warpage (inches/mm) | Action |
Ford | F-150 (3.5L EcoBoost V6) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Chevrolet | Silverado 1500 (5.3L V8) | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Ram | 1500 (5.7L HEMI V8) | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Toyota | RAV4 (2.5L I4) | Aluminum | 0.002 in / 0.051 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Honda | CR-V (1.5L Turbo I4) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Nissan | Rogue (2.5L I4) | Aluminum | 0.002 in / 0.051 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Jeep | Grand Cherokee (3.6L V6) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
GMC | Sierra 1500 (5.3L V8) | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Toyota | Corolla (1.8L I4) | Aluminum | 0.0028 in / 0.071 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Toyota | Camry (2.5L I4) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Below are the typical tolerances for varying engine types categorised by number of cylinders.
Engine Configuration | Material | Max Warpage (inches / mm) | Action |
Inline 3 (I3) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Flat 4 (Boxer 4) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Inline 4 (I4) | Aluminum | 0.003 in / 0.076 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Inline 6 (I6) | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Flat 6 (Boxer 6) | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
V6 | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
V8 | Aluminum | 0.004 in / 0.102 mm | Resurface/Replace |
V10 | Aluminum | 0.005 in / 0.127 mm | Resurface/Replace |
V12 | Aluminum | 0.005 in / 0.127 mm | Resurface/Replace |
Testing The engine block For Warpage
The key difference in testing the engine block vs testing the cylinder head, is down to the fact that the engine block contains cylindrical bores.
Inside each cylinder bore is additionally where combustion takes place, with temperatures reaching up to 2,500°F (1,370°C). This results in the area being more prone to warpage than anywhere else on the engine.
As most piston ring replacements can be carried out with the engine block inside the engine bay. It’s important to consider a straight edge that is; long enough to measure the block, but also short enough to fit in the engine bay.
What Can you do if the Engine is warped?
Discovering an engine is warped is both gut wrenching, and disappointing. The two options that remain is to repair the engine, or replace the engine.
Repairing the engine involves restoring the flatness using a method called ‘resurfacing’.
However, resurfacing is only viable if the engines warpage has not exceeded the maximum tolerances set by the manufacturer.
Meaning, you must first cross reference your measurements with the manufacturers corresponding information, in order to decide on the best course of action.
What is engine resurfacing A.k.a “skimming the engine ?”
Engine resurfacing, commonly known as “skimming the engine,” is a machining process where a thin layer of material is removed from the surface area of the cylinder head, engine block, or both.

The purpose of this procedure is to restore a perfectly flat surface, and provide a proper seal between the head and the block with a head gasket installed.
Proper sealing is crucial for maintaining engine compression, preventing coolant or oil leaks, and ensuring overall engine performance.
How much Material Can Be removed when resurfacing the Engine?
The amount of material that can be removed when skimming an engine is determined by the maximum length that the piston travels to reach top dead centre (i.e., TDC).
The table below contains typical specifications you can expect to find for some of the most popular selling cars:
Make & Model | Engine Type | Max Skim (Cylinder Head) | Max Skim (Engine Block) | Notes |
Ford Puma | 1.0L EcoBoost | 0.2mm / 0.0079 inches | 0.1mm / 0.0039 inches | EcoBoost engines are highly sensitive to compression changes, so skimming should be minimised. |
Kia Sportage | 1.6L T-GDi | 0.3mm / 0.0118 inches | 0.15mm / 0.0059 inches | Higher tolerance due to turbocharging. Check the gasket type before skimming. |
Nissan Qashqai | 1.3L DIG-T | 0.2mm / 0.0079 inches | 0.1mm / 0.0039 inches | Small allowances due to the compact engine design. |
Volkswagen Golf | 1.5L TSI EVO | 0.2mm / 0.0079 inches | 0.1mm / 0.0039 inches | Ensure even skimming to maintain combustion chamber shape. |
Nissan Juke | 1.0L DIG-T | 0.25mm / 0.0098 inches | 0.15mm / 0.0059 inches | Similar to Qashqai, care must be taken with turbo models. |
Audi A3 | 2.0L TFSI | 0.25mm / 0.0098 inches | 0.12mm / 0.0047 inches | Performance-oriented, so tolerances are tighter. |
MG HS | 1.5L Turbo | 0.3mm / 0.0118 inches | 0.15mm / 0.0059 inches | Relatively high tolerance for a small displacement turbo engine. |
Hyundai Tucson | 1.6L T-GDi | 0.3mm / 0.0118 inches | 0.15mm / 0.0059 inches | Similar to Kia Sportage, these engines can tolerate more skimming. |
Peugeot 208 | 1.2L PureTech | 0.2mm / 0.0079 inches | 0.1mm / 0.0039 inches | Engine’s compact design requires careful skimming. |
Vauxhall Corsa | 1.2L Turbo | 0.2mm / 0.0079 inches | 0.1mm / 0.0039 inches | Limited skimming allowances due to small engine size. |
Post Cylinder Head & Engine block Inspections
While the engine block and cylinder head are at the heart of operations, their counterparts are also equally as important in the overall healthy running of the engine.
In fact, even a slight deficiency in any of these parts can heavily impact the engines overall ability to perform. To prevent this, each counterpart must be examined with the same attention to detail given to the cylinder head and engine block.
A List Of additional Inspections To Carry Out
The following sections contain two lists of additional inspections that should be made after the cylinder head and engine block have been checked.
The tools you will need include:
- Feeler gauge
- Micrometer
- Dial bore gauge
- Straightedge
- Torque wrench
- Compressed air (if possible)
Place the cylinder head on a flat surface. Pour a small amount of liquid (like kerosene or fuel) into the intake or exhaust ports. Check if any liquid seeps through the valve seats; if it does, the valves are leaking and need further inspection or replacement.
Check the camshaft lobes for signs of wear, scoring, or pitting. Rotate the camshaft and visually inspect each lobe for damage. Lobes should be smooth with no rough spots, no indentations or excessive wear.
Inspect the camshaft journals for scoring or wear marks. Use a micrometer to measure the journal diameter, comparing it to the manufacturer’s specifications. Check bearings for wear, cracks, or scoring.
Check each rocker arm for signs of wear, damage, or excessive play. Roll them on a flat surface to identify stiffness. Inspect the rocker arm shafts and bushings for wear or pitting. Replace any damaged components.
Visually inspect the valve springs for cracks or signs of wear, and replace any weak or damaged springs.
Insert the valve stem into its seat (i.e., the valve guide), and feel for excessive play. Too much movement indicates wear in the guide, requiring replacement or reaming with oversized valves.
Use a dial bore gauge to measure the diameter of the cylinder bore. Measure at multiple points (top, middle, bottom) and in different directions (vertical, horizontal) to check for taper or out-of-round conditions. Record results, and cross reference with the max tolerances set by the manufacturer.
Rotate internal gears to ensure that rotate freely, then check surfaces for scoring, wear, or damage.
Inspect all oil passages for blockages or debris. Use compressed air to blow out any obstructions and ensure free-flowing passages.
Inspect the timing chain or belt for wear, cracks, or stretching. Check the tensioner for smooth operation and proper tension. Replace the chain/belt and tensioner if any issues are found.
Visually inspect all engine bearings (main, rod, camshaft) for signs of wear, pitting, or scoring. Measure bearing clearance using plastigauge or a micrometer.
Inspect the crankshaft for scoring, cracks, or wear on journals and thrust surfaces. Measure journal diameters and check for out-of-round conditions using a micrometer.
Check all gasket surfaces for scratches, nicks, or warping. Use a straightedge to ensure surfaces are flat. But ensure to clean first.
Inspect freeze plugs for damage, rust, leaks and corrosion: Freeze plugs, also known as core plugs, expansion plugs, or frost plugs, are small, circular metal plugs in the engine block. They are highly prone to corrosion and usually located down the sides and rear of the engine block.
Inspecting The Piston, Skirt, Con-rod & Rings
The following section contains checks which are specific to the piston, wrist ping, connecting rod and piston rings:
Visually inspect the overall piston condition for signs of damage, such as cracks, scoring, and excessive wear. Make note of results, and check corresponding components that sit near to the damaged area on the piston.
Inspect the pistons head carbon buildup, cracks, or pitting. On the top of each piston is a spray pattern left from the burnt fuel of the fuel injectors, which is great for comparing inconsistencies across pistons.
The piston skirt should be inspected for scoring, scratches, and excessive wear. Large worn areas on the piston skirt is usually the first sign of engine blow-by. Additionally, you can measure the piston skirt (with a micrometer) and the cylinder bore (with a dial gauge) to calculate the pistons clearance.
Check the piston rings for any wear, cracks, or damages. Roll the rings around the pistons to ensure they rotate freely without catching, and make notes of unusual findings.
Check that the wrist pin rotates smoothly within the piston and connecting rod. Then, visually inspect the retaining clips on both sides to confirm they are secure and undamaged. If any issues are found, then replace the wrist pin, clips, and/or bushings inside the assembly as required.
Examine the connecting rod for signs of bending, twisting, or cracking. Check the small and big ends for wear, and measure the diameter of the bearing journals with a micrometer. Replace if any signs of damage are found.

Engine Assembly
Reassembling an engine requires careful planning, meticulous preparation, and a skilful execution. But even with planning every step of the way, there are still unforeseen challenges that can creep up and throw a spanner in the works.
To avoid this, I use the piston removal checklist which is helpful in reducing the chances of error.
Preparing the Engine For re Assembly
Engine preparation consists of three parts: Cleaning the engines components, lubricating the necessary, and honing the cylinder bores.
How To Hone cylinder bores
The key benefits of honing the cylinder bores is to assist in correctly seating the piston rings, and maintain the engines lubrication during operation. This achieved by using the combination of a drill and honing tool to ‘hone’ a cross hatch pattern in the cylinder walls.
Why do cylinder bores Need To be Honed?
The diagonal lines in the cross act pattern creates pockets that trap a thin film of oil. As the piston moves up and down, the oil trapped in the grooves is gradually released ensuring proper lubrication during the engine’s combustion cycle.

Not only that, but correct lubrication also ensures engine longevity by minimising the occurrence of metal on metal contact. And effectively seals the piston rings in the combustion chamber to reduce chances of engine blow-by.
Tools that you’ll need:
- A hand drill
- 3x clean rags
- A cylinder honing tool (also known as a glaze breaker or flex-hone) with 220-320 grit stones for cast iron piston rings (or 400-600 grit stones when replacing moly or chrome rings)
- Automatic transmission oil (½ cup i.e., just enough for wiping inside cylinders)
- Brake cleaner or engine cleaning solution (to clean inside cylinder bores)
Honing the cylinders is simple, but requires a steady hand:
Step 1
Wipe clean and dirt or debris from each of the cylinder bores using a clean rag and some brake cleaner.
Step 2
Use a clean rag and automatic transmission oil to wipe inside and lubricate the cylinder bores.
Step 3
Attach the honing tool to the drill. Select slow speed on the drill. Then insert carefully insert the head of the honing tool (with the drill NOT moving) into the first cylinder bore.
Step 4
Begin operating the drill at a slow and steady speed while raising and lowering the honing tool in a single sweep. Do not exceed 15 seconds per period before inspecting. Don’t over hone as too much can end up boring out the cylinder to a larger diameter.
@the_garage_goblin DIY Engine Cylinder Honing at Home (Part 2) #engine #car #cars #cartok
♬ original sound – GarageGoblin – Garage Goblin
Pro tip: The aim here is to keep the drill at a slow but steady speed (approximately 300-500 RPM) .
Use the diagram and video above to get a clear idea of how this process this looks.
The desired 30 to 45 degree angle desired cross hatch pattern can be seen in the image below.

Step 5
Once the honing process is complete, use a clean rag soaked in solvent or brake cleaner to wipe down and leftover metal debris in the bore.
This step is crucial for ensuring that the piston rings can correctly be reseated, and that the cylinder bore is free leftover unwanted metal particles.
Step 6
Recheck the cylinder bores using a dial bore gauge and Micrometer to verify that the diameter of each cylinder bore is still within manufacturer’s specifications
What is Piston Ring End Gap and why does it matter?
We all know that metal on metal is bad. And when metal heats up, metal expands, which in turn, increases the chance of contact.
To prevent this, we set a carefully calculated end gap in each of the piston rings that caters for expansion when operating at higher temperatures.

A Generic Formula To Calculate Piston Ring End Gap For Power
Please note, this is usually for enhanced engine applications only!
End Gap = Cylinder Bore Diameter × End Gap Factor
End Gap Factors
Top Compression Ring
Naturally Aspirated Engines: 0.004″ per inch of bore diameter.
Forced Induction (Turbocharged/Supercharged) or Nitrous Engines: 0.005″ to 0.006″ per inch of bore diameter.
Second Compression Ring
Typically 0.001″ to 0.002″ larger than the top ring.
Oil Control Ring
Usually between 0.015″ to 0.025″, depending on the application.
Example Calculation
For a 4.00-inch bore on a naturally aspirated engine:
Top Ring End Gap = 4.00 × 0.004 = 0.016 inches
Second Ring End Gap = 4.00 × 0.005 = 0.020 inches
Example Of Stock End Gap Figures
On Mazda 2.2 Skyactive D
These are my stock ring gap sizes where the first ring has a much lower tolerance than the gap in the example above. The sole purpose of the top ring in road car applications is to control the level of engine blow-by.
Top Compression Ring:
- Standard: 0.20 – 0.35 mm (0.0079 – 0.0138 in)
- Limit: 0.50 mm (0.0197 in)
The second ring is still around 2 thou larger than the first ring as it supports the top ring by relieving pressure. Which is why the end gap must be at least 2 thou bigger.
This way, it can allow any gases that made it past the first ring to escape out an into the crankcase. This is controlled blow-by and totally normal.
The second (i.e., middle) ring additionally supports in oil control by scraping away excess oil from the cylinder walls.
Second Compression Ring:
- Standard: 0.30 – 0.45 mm (0.0118 – 0.0177 in)
- Limit: 0.60 mm (0.0236 in)
The purpose of the last ring is self explanatory. It simply scrapes oil away from the cylinder walls.
Additionally, this ring serves as a barrier by preventing oil (being squirted by the oil jets) in the crankcase from making its way up, and then into the combustion chamber.
Oil Control Ring:
- Standard: 0.15 – 0.35 mm (0.0059 – 0.0138 in)
- Limit: 0.50 mm (0.0197 in)
Fun Fact: About Piston Ring End Gaps!
Did you know that the end gap in the oil ring can be smaller than the end gap of the top and middle rings. It’s true!
Because, once the pressure from the top ring is relieved through the second ring’s end gap, it then dissipates by the time it gets to the oil ring gap.
Meaning, the oil ring end gap can be as low as 0.008 with a top ring of 0.014 and middle ring gap of 0.016 and still work like a charm.
Of course, you’ll need to adjust for if you have a turbo, or supercharger, remap, or whatever else.
Filing the Piston Rings To The Correct End Ring Gap
This step cannot be skipped and MUST be completed before re installing the pistons.
This stage has very little room for error. As the entire success or failure of this repair depends on getting this right. So it’s important that you meticulously follow each of the following steps.
We’ll begin with a filing down a few of the old piston rings as a practise exercise, and then move onto filing the new set of rings for final fitment.
Make sure to have the (already calculated) target end gap sizes to hand, before moving on.
You will need the following in this section:
- All the old piston rings (intact please)
- Piston Ring Grinding Tool
- Small hand file
- Feeler Gauge
- Empty Engine Bores (not containing pistons)
- A piston with no rings attached (i.e., an empty piston)
The practice run
Begin by using your hands to insert an old piston ring about half an inch down into cylinder bore number one, making sure to position the ring perfectly horizontal.
Next, use an upside down (i.e., head facing down) piston head to push the ring about one inch down into the bore.
This process is called, “squaring the piston ring”. Which is used to emulate the position that the ring will be in, when installed for the final time. Doing so, enables us to accurately calculate the ring end gap, before it’s actually fitted to the piston, and inserted to the bore.
There are piston ring squaring tools that are specially made for this, but I do not believe that they’re necessary.
Once you have completed this process, set aside the piston, and pickup the feeler gauge, as its time to begin measuring.
@diddlyscustoms Todays Topic- Piston ring end gap measurement. Does your dirtbike engine have alot of hours and loosing compression? This may be worth checking! #maitenance #cr500 #cr500af #dirtbike #mechanic #piston #pistonring #lowcompression #motorcycle #twostroke #fyp #fypシ #troubleshooting #braap #mixinggasandhaulingass #honda
♬ original sound – Diddly
Measuring A Piston Rings end gap – With A Feeler Gauge
Start by taking the thinnest blade of the feeler gauge, then insert it to the end gap of the piston ring placed in the bore. Attempt to slide the blade in an up and down motion while checking if it moves freely, or has resistance.
Assessing the results
Here’s how to evaluate and act based on the results of the feeler gauge test. The two tables in the following section each handles a different scenario.
- The first scenario is when you are testing with a blade that is smaller in size than the size of the target end gap.
- The second scenario is when you are testing with a blade that is equal in size to the size of the target end gap.
But before this, you’ll first need to know how to adjust the size of the end gap in a piston ring.
Increasing the size of a piston rings end gap – with a grinding tool
This step should be only be carried out if you deem the end gap of a piston ring to be smaller than the target end gap size.
- Place the piston ring onto grinding tool while ensuring that the grinding disc sits directly between the gap in the piston ring
- Use your thumb and index finger to push the ring against the dowel pins fitted to the tool
- Push the side of the ring you are trying to grind against the disc, then begin turning via the tools handle for five full revolutions
- Use a hand file to remove the sharp edges (i.e., burr) of the end gap
- Test fit the ring in the target cylinder, measure with feeler gauge, then repeat this process and adjust if necessary until the target size is achieved in the piston ring
Scenario 1: Measuring with a blade size that’s smaller than the target end gap size
Result | Reason | Action |
Blade moves freely through the gap | The gap is larger than the size of the blade. | Select a larger blade, then reassess the gap. |
Blade fits with slight resistance | The gap is slightly larger than the size of the blade, but smaller than the target gap. | Select a blade closer to the target size, then reassess |
Blade has excessive resistance or bends | The gap is smaller than the size of the blade. | File the piston ring slightly and reassess the gap. |
Blade doesn’t fit into the gap | The gap is smaller than the size of the blade. | File the piston ring and reassess the gap. |
Scenario 2: Measuring with a blade size that’s equal to the target end gap size
Result | Reason | Action |
Blade fits perfectly with slight drag | The gap is equal to the target size. | No further adjustment needed; gap is correct. |
Blade has slight resistance | The gap is very close to the target size. | Consider minor adjustments if needed. |
Blade bends or has excessive resistance | The gap is smaller than the target size. | File the piston ring slightly and reassess the gap. |
Blade doesn’t fit into the gap | The gap is smaller than the target size. | File the piston ring and reassess the gap. |
By now you should have a sense of what using a feeler gauge feels like (no pun intended).
So it’s time to get the training wheels off, set aside the old piston rings, and begin setting the correct end gap in each of the new rings.
Once all the end gaps have been set, it’s time to begin fitment.
Installing New Piston Rings
This is an easy, and simple process to follow, so don’t complicate it. That being said, it still requires a careful and steady hand to avoid breaking any of the rings upon fitment.
For this reason, I would recommend to begin by test fitting the old set of rings on the piston, until you are confident enough, in fitting, and removing them, without breakage.
The particular process to follow when assembling the rings is to start with bottom ring (oil control ring) first, move onto the middle ring, second, and thirdly end with the top ring. On a standard three ring piston.
However, if you find that your piston contains more than three rings, then continue to follow the same bottom up approach, making sure to start at the bottom, and gradually work your way up. Regardless of the number of rings that the piston has.
Offsetting The Piston Rings (To prevent Engine blow-by)
Prior to installing, you must ensure that each end gaps in the piston rings is offset (i.e., staggered) from one another, around the circumference of the piston.

Setting up the rings in this way will help the engine to maintain compression, reduce blow-by, and reduce the chances of oil making its way from the crankcase into the combustion chamber.
A quick FAQ is: Is there a possibility that the rings can revert back to an ‘incorrect position’, when the engine is operating?
As, what would be the point in setting, or offsetting the rings in particular positions, when they can simply revert back to a position they shouldn’t be in.
The short answer is, yes!
When the engine is operating, it is certainly possible for the rings to rotate, and in turn, realign in a position they shouldn’t be in.
However, when we offset the end gaps of the the rings, we heavily “reduce the chances” of realignment. Which is the exact reason why engines have been built this way for a very long time.
“If something isn’t broken, then don’t fix it”. I.e., if the method works, then why change it?
Check the vehicles service repair manual to find exact information for offsetting piston rings.
Or if not, then you can follow this general guideline:
- Top ring gap: Position at 10 o’clock.
- Second ring gap: Position at 2 o’clock.
- Oil ring gaps: Position at 6 o’clock and stagger the gaps of the upper and lower rails.
Once you have fully “dressed” the pistons , it’s time to rehouse them in the engine.
Reinstalling The Pistons (in 7 Steps)
Tools you’ll need to get started:
- Rubber handle of a hammer works fine
- Piston ring compression tool
- Engine Assembly lubricant
- Torque wrench (that goes up to the desired torque required for pistons)
Step 1
Place the piston ring compression tool around the piston head and tighten until the rings are completely compressed into the grooves
Step 2
Remove the connecting rod end cap and lubricate the bearings with assembly lube. Using your hands to apply the engine lube is just fine.
Step 3
Turn the crankshaft so that the journal for the particular piston bore you are working with is at its lowest point to the ground (i.e., bottom dead centre)

Step 4
Lower the connecting rod of the piston into the cylinder bore until the compression tool meets the surface area of the engine block.
Step 5
Use the rubber handle to gently knock the piston down about half an inch.
Please note: If th,e piston doesn’t drop in with light amount of force, then immediately stop, remove the piston and restart this entire process.
On the other hand, if the piston head is knocked in but cannot go all the way, then assess the connecting rod and crankshaft area from underneath the engine to identify potential see if there is an issue.
Step 6
Once the piston has been correctly seated, fit the connecting rods big end end cap back to the connecting rod while making sure that the bearings remain in place, then hand tighten the bolts
Step 7
Ensure both the connecting rods bolts are hand tight, then manually turn the crankshaft to ensure the engine freely turns with the piston and rings fitted.
I’m genuinely also taking a coffee break at this point. But not a break from carrying out the repair. Instead, the break that I’m taking is from writing this post. Trust me, it’s not easy.
Give yourself a pat on the back, as persevering this far is not for the faint hearted. You have likely learned more in this rebuild than you have ever learned in your lifetime about engines.
Grab a coffee, have a quick sit down, then return here to continue.
In the meantime, if you’re enjoying this post, then help us out and SHARE IT >>
Installing the Oil pump
The rest of this rebuild should honestly be a smooth sail from here. But don’t get ahead of yourself, as thats where mistakes are made. Instead, take your time, remain focused, and take breaks where necessary. As we are close, but not quiet all the way there, just yet.
Installing the oil pump is essentially doing what you did in reverse to remove it.
The only difference here, is that you should first hand tighten each bolt. Then finally torque them down to the correct specifications, set by the manufacturer.
Installing A New Head Gasket
Please note: Some head gaskets will require the addition of liquid gasket, while others may not. Refer to the vehicles service manual for specific instructions.
A general guideline to follow when fitting a new head gasket is:
Step 1
Ensure the surface area of the engine block is clean
Step 2
Identify the Top and Bottom of the Gasket: Ensure the gasket is position the correct way up (usually this is marked on the gasket)
Step 3
Align the Dowels or Locating Pins: The small pins on the engine block that likely caused the most difficulty when removing the gasket. You must line the gasket back up with these.
Step 4
Check the Alignment: Ensure that all holes in the gasket align with all passages in the engine block. If they don’t, then double check that you have the right gasket.
Installing The Cylinder Head
Now the pistons and gasket have been installed, it’s time to complete the engine.
Tools you’ll need:
- Rubber gloves (to lift the cylinder head)
- Torque wrench (for head bolts and bolts in the camshaft journal caps)
- Liquid marker pen (mechanics pen to mark head bolts)
Install the cylinder head by carrying out the the following step:
Step 1
Lower the cylinder head onto the head gasket ensuring the dowel pins of the engine block are correctly re-inserted to the cylinder head.
Once you’re happy with how the cylinder head is positioned.
Step 2
Insert the NEW cylinder head bolts by hand. No tools required. Start by dropping them into their respective holes while making sure that all bolts drop down to the same height.
If there are any discrepancies, then remove the bolt and inspect the respective hole.
Step 3
Hand tighten all of the bolts to ensure they are all correctly inserted and turn relatively easy.
Step 4
Follow the manufacturers tightening sequence to torque the head bolts to the correct spec in the specific sequence (i.e., order) they have set.
Please note: you must follow this sequence as not doing so can result in warping the cylinder head. The sequence will typically start from the centre bolts, then work its way outward in a spiral or crisscross pattern.
Step 5
Mark each bolt with a line to 12 o’clock to reference their positions. The line can be drawn from 6 o’clock to 12 o’clock.
Step 6
Follow the last stage of tightening set by the manufacturer to stretch the head bolts. This is usually instructed to turn at an angle such as 90 degrees, 180 or 270.
Always turn in 90 degree passes, meaning it would require 3 passes to achieve a 270 degree turn. This ensures you can safely turn without breaking bolts, and easily identify unusual tension in any of the bolts.
Installing the rocker arms
Place the rocker arms back into their positions. You can cross reference these positions with a diagram of your engine, or a video where the same engine is being repaired.
Reinserting the camshafts
Carefully lower each camshaft back into their positions ensuring that each of the timing marks on the camshaft gears line up with one another if required.

Installing A New Timing Chain Or Belt Kit
After the piston, piston rings, and piston ring end gaps, the timing chain assembly is the next most vital part of the rebuild. In short, getting this wrong can result in catastrophic engine failure.
A correctly set timing chain ensures that the valves and pistons will operate without crashing into one another.
Getting this wrong equals big problems. But, by following this guide, you have nothing to worry about.
Tools you’ll need
- A Torque wrench
- A set of Socket and wrenches
- Flathead screwdriver
- Liquid pen (mechanics pen)
- Engine assembly lube
- Engine-specific: Camshaft locking tool
Step 1
Set piston number one, of cylinder number one to top dead centre (i.e., TDC)
Step 2
Install the timing chains (or belts) guides back into their respective positions, on the engine block.
Some engines have an additional chain to control the timing of the oil pump. Make sure to install this first if required.
Lastly, tighten all bolts to the recommended specification.
Step 3
Install the crankshaft and camshaft sprockets, and lock the camshafts in position if required for your engine type. Using a camshaft locking tool.
Step 4
Fit the timing chain to the camshaft and crankshaft gears, making sure that the coloured links on the chain correctly align with the markings on each of the gears.
Step 5
Install the remaining guides and timing chain (or belt) tensioner, then torque the bolts to the correct spec. Some tensioners must be primed with oil before installation.
Step 6
Release the chain tensioner to apply tension to the timing chain (or belt).
Step 7
Rotate the crankshaft with a ratchet for two full revolutions. Then check for any issues in alignment of the timing marks. Repeat this process three more times for absolute confirmation.
If the timing is out, re-lock the tensioner, remove the chain (or belt), and repeat this process until the timing marks realign after turning the crankshaft.
Step 8
Install the timing cover assembly. And torque down each of the bolts in accordance with the engines specifications, set by the manufacturer.
Assembling The Remaining Engine Components
Finally, install the oil sump, wiring loom, spark plugs or glow plugs, rocker cover (i.e., valve cover), fuel injectors, coolant pipes, turbo, and everything else in between.
Remember to take your time and remain focused.
The rocker cover may require the use of gasket sealer in addition to the rubber gasket.
Reinstalling turbo pipes can be a little confusing , so if necessary, refer to a diagram for assistance.
Final steps (Before Starting The Engine)
It’s time to double check all your work has been carried out correctly.
Step 1: Double check your work
Double check all tightening torques, bolts, nuts, electrical connections. Everything. You can never over check, so check till your heart’s content.
Step 2: Refill all necessary fluids
This includes engine oil, coolant, and transmission fluid. Ensure the correct types and amounts are used in accordance with manufacturers specifications.
Step 3: Prime the Oil System
Remove the spark plugs (or glow plugs and fuel injector electrical connectors), then crank the engine for 10-15 seconds. This will allow the oil pump to circulate oil around the engine, without actually causing the engine to start.
Listen for unusual noises. Such as knocking, grinding or leaking. doing so will enable you to identify issues that require inspection. Visually check for leaks. In coolant, oil, and fuel.
Then inspect the cylinder head, oil pan, and intake manifold to make sure everything is as it should be.
Please Note : If you have a diesel engine, then you must additonally bleed the fuel system. And, do not skip this step, as if the engine doesn’t start, it can easily lead you down the wrong path when investigating.
Step 4: Reconnect All remaining components
Finally, reinstall the fuel injectors and spark plugs (or glow plugs).
Post Repair Checks & Initial Engine Startup
If everything is reattached, reconnected, and primed, then it’s time to start the engine.
Have realistic expectations. On the first startup, there will be lots of smoke. There may be some chugging. It make take a few tries. You may need to recheck you’re work.
Let’s go.
Step 1: Starting The Engine
Give the engine 2 – 3 cranks for 10 – 15 seconds per crank, to start the engine.
If the engine does not start, then rest the engine for for 2 minutes, then repeat the first step. Excessive engine cranking without rest will kill the starter motor.
If the engine doesn’t start then do the following. Check the battery is charged (90% of non-start situations is this). If battery is charged, then check fuel system. If fuel system looks good, then check spark plugs. If spark plugs are good, then check air flow. Also check the fuel level.
Once you have fuel, spark and air. Or just fuel and air on a diesel, the engine should start.
Note that, if you’re working on a salvage car, then it could be something else like an immobiliser or blown fuse situation.
Step 2: Listen For Unusual Sounds
regardless of if the engine has started, yet! It’s now a good time to check all the pipes and underneath the car for leaks. Listen for unusual sounds such as knocking or grinding when cranking.
Any funny business. Shut down, and investigate.
Step 3: Checks To make with the engine running
HOORAY! You made it. Well done. The engine is running.
Double check everything there is to check. To begin the brea-in process, allow to idle for 20 -30 minutes.
while this is going on, get that bonnet (i.e., hood) up and get checking.
You should:
- Check for leaks
- Check that the coolant is not bubbling (plus engine temperature gauge in car)
- Check if the in-car heating is working
- Check for leaks
- Check for smells
- Check for smoke
- Listen for misfiring (or a rough running engine)
- Check, Check and guess what. Check again!
Once you’re confident that the engine is running right. Then it’s time to head out for a test run.
Step 4: Take it for a Spin
Drive the car for 2 miles to continue the break in process. Continue to keep checking for unusual sounds, smells and imbalances.
Ensure to vary the engine’s RPMs (rev from 1 to 5 thousand RPM) without putting the engine under excessive load. I.e., going uphill, or something else of the sort.
If everything is good, which it should be, then well done! You’re work here is done.
Step 5: Driving The First 50 Miles
The first 50 mile should be taken a little easy to continue the engine break in process.
Drive the car for a further 50 miles, then change the oil. This will remove the leftover loose debris and metal particles from the break-in process.
Make further checks as you did before. If everything seems good. Enjoy!
How to Prolong The Life Of A Cars Piston Rings
Oil in an engine is like the blood of a human body. It’s absolutely necessary, and without it, there is no life. Coolant is also just most important. Make sure its always topped up, not leaking, and correctly suited for the engine that it’s being used in.
Allow the engine to idle for 3 minutes on each startup, and additionally, to warm down for a 3 minutes before shutdown.
Use the best oils that money can buy. And always opt for synthetic oils, as they provide better oil flow at lower temperatures, to reduce friction, and increase longevity.
What a beast this was to write. I am yet to find a post on the internet that covers this topic as thoroughly as this. Hours and hours have gone into this and will continue to go into this to make sure it remains the most helpful guide on the internet for replacing a cars piston rings.
If this guide has helped you in any way, then return the favour, and give it a share.
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